Architectural Review Commitee

Erin Andrade, Chairperson

Robyn Davini

Jim Corton

The purpose of the Lake Village Architectural Review Committee is to administer the community’s guidelines by overseeing changes and modifications to a property through an application and appeal process.
If you wish to make architectural changes, you will need to go through the Architectural Review process. An important architectural review committee responsibility is managing the application and approval process for such modifications. Additional Association architectural committee responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Checking the community for violations of the architectural guidelines the Association has imposed; enforcing the standards written in the governing documents in a consistent and fair manner; evaluating the existing guidelines and proposing changes to the Board; making recommendations to the Association Board; and, educating homeowners on the architectural guidelines and the application/approval process.
Separate Approvals
Because an Association’s architectural committee and a city/county building department are separate jurisdictions, an owner must separately get approval from each. In other words, obtaining a building permit from the city does not confer approval by the association. An owner must separately submit plans to and receive approval from the association and vice versa.
Code Compliance
Ensuring compliance with state and local building codes is not a duty of an association or its architectural committee. Board and committee members are volunteers. Unless a member is an architect or former plan checker, board and committee members have no expertise in building codes and no jurisdiction over their enforcement. Code compliance is the duty of the city or county building department, whichever one is applicable.