Kids Wildlife Habitat Club – Western Fence Lizard

Wildlife Habitat Amphitheater 30097 Via Velez Place, Temecula, CA, United States

Kids attending our Kids Wildlife Habitat Club Western Fence Lizard workshop will be planting a succulent in a terra cotta pot on which they will have painted a Western Fence Lizard. A special talk will be given on the importance the Western Fence Lizard has on our habitat.

POSTPONED – Fishing Tournament

Lake Village Clubhouse 30151 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, CA, United States

POSTPONED - This event has been postponed until further notice. Lake Village Fishing Tournament is Free to all Lake Village Members, residents, their guest and family members. Residents must remain with guests. Prizes will be awarded by age group from tots to adult. Everyone receives a goody bag. Must pre-register early. Categories: A. Age 5...


Kids Wildlife Habitat Club – The Argentine Ant

Wildlife Habitat Amphitheater 30097 Via Velez Place, Temecula, CA, United States

Only two species live on every corner of the earth - humans and the Argentine Ant. Our Kids Wildlife Habitat Club will be learning all about this amazing little guy who has persevered for thousands of years. The workshop will include a 20-minute overview of the Argentine Ant, from its origin to its incredible adaptability....